Council Meetings
The Parish Council normally meets on the third Wednesday in each month except August and December in Acton Trussell Community Centre Acton Hill Road at 8.00pm. but the actual planned dates for 2023-24 are shown on the Calendar. If this date changes or there are additional meetings convened the details will be posted on the website and the Parish Council Noticeboards.
These are open to the public and each meeting agenda contains a period of time for a Public Session to allow matters relevant to the parish to be raised or for questions to the Parish Council.
The Agenda for each meeting and the draft minutes of the last meeting are routinely emailed to those residents who request it and have given their explicit consent under the GDPR regulations. If you would like to be added to this list, please contact the Clerk.
Draft minutes of a Council meeting may be amended before being approved at the next Council Meeting.
Approved Minutes and Agendas for previous years are available on the Minutes subpage.